Opinionated point is opinionated. Regardless of how awesome the community may be, it was merely a suggestion.
Was an argument even remotely necessary? This all started cause I asked a question. There is a reasonable way of answering questions without...
we should!
-I wouldn't doubt for a second that it would take off, however, I'm not gonna argue that. -Yes.
I meant a dedicated section on our board, Shroomz :P And @ Cam, Matt's server has seen better days.
Minecraft is too intense for a group. Not to mention, how often do you check on your groups compared to the latest message on a board?
Images are broken :P Also, think a Minecraft board could be a possibility? Granted Mining Bros is a primary resource for that business, but for...
Whatchyu talking bout HPM? O.o
Congrats on teh red sir.
Okay, you had runner up.
Best tree fort evar.
That's kind of the way most people do it.
"It's a demo, this is the final build!" These claims all false, the demo we're playing is a beta build that has seen several tweaks to date....
Didn't do anything detrimental aside from adding a bunch of alternate terrain images. I won't be updating, however I will look into changing that...
Just spent a couple hours mining. Hid a whole bunch of goodies, hopefully some prick doesn't find em.
I would never. But I would **** in your toilet... when you get your house together that is.
Read through the change log, both the glowstone and glass textures are interchangeable in the terrain.png
Not too sure how old this one is but I just installed it and...wow. [img] [img] [img] it's a 64x64 :P
they'll continue to mangle anything they can. it's the internet and the one way for them to feel big in their lives.
Yeah I said that. o.O srs, I really wanna co-build some ****.