Thanks, that was some very helpful feedback! I agree with everything you said, and I will definitely work on those things. I'm probably going to...
^This. And since killzones overrule safezones, there has to be some kind of killzone covering the spawns if this turns out not to help.
^This Macaroni. This is the second time you literally copy one of my previous posts. I like you, but please stop doing that.
First of, I'd change your minimum amount of players from 2 to 10. If the game starts with 4 zombies, you want to have at least enough humans left...
As long as people keeping bringing new stuff, I'm perfectly fine with that. :) It's just that quite a lot of people seem to think that every...
This map is much better than your first map indeed, but to me it seems this map would perform way better with Infection than with Slayer. It...
Amazing video! Gets me really pumped for this project. You did a good job implementing so many levels into your map, making them all usable and...
Check your killzones and safezones. 99% chance that's the reason that causes you to die of spawn. One of them is probably overlapping resp missing...
lol figured. :P Yay! You're welcome :D
Hey guys! We can now download our recent screenshots again! I was already hoping for 343i to release this good old function again sometime soon,...
Yup .
Hahaha I bet that's your reason behind asking me for one. ;P Dude, it's the internet. It contains anything you can think of, including fansites...
How is this not another Hunger Games map remake? It clearly is! No offence, but I don't see any new, original or special features that...
Definitely Anniversary. Tempest is great for forging, but a lot like Forgeworld in most aspects too. And it's in Noble which you had already...
^This. I'd say don't do any other vehicles anyway. I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to Slayer maps, but I know a thing or two...
I'm wondering what this map is going to play like. As far as I know, 100% out of 100% of the maps in the past that featured a battle that...
Oh cool you posted it! I'll check it out.
I've never heard of that before. Would be really cool for Invasion indeed! Does it also make a difference which block you use, or is it always .1...
I don't know if you forgot, but one of the mods told you to merge updates in your first thread instead of keep making new threads.
No offence man, but honestly I don't see the reasons behind creating this thread as the things you said didn't really... make sense. You can't put...