:( Eventually you'll be able to, I'm sure of that. :P Have you checked out the new Deadborough submission yet?
No, I didn't host BIOC, don't worry.
Welcome to the Hub bro! It's awesome to have you here!
If you have any feedback for Favela Run (the Ridgeline Linear Progression Infection map we played the other day), feel free to leave it on my...
---------- Nominations end August 19th, 2012. Voting on the 5 maps with the most nominations will begin approximately July 22nd, in a new thread....
No problem man. At least you tried.
:'D I'm nominating three different kinds of maps. FHF needs less Slayer and more Else. For the Square! by Redy Nowhere, USA by Insanmiac...
lol I'm just being a busy bee. ;) Thumbs up if you get that reference.
They're new to the Hub, so you can't really expect them to do that or to know about that already. ;)
I will tomorrow. :) PS: Look at my post count :D
You were playing Minecraft and didn't respond to any of my messages or invites. But next time please follow the rules, you expect me to do the...
Awesome maps bro! The designs are interesting, I actually like the cluttered look of the Platform XLs, because in my opinion there doesn't always...
So... in what way is this map different from others?
Why actually did you not show up for my BIOC lobby last Sunday, even though you signed up and were online? One of the most important rules, is...
You sir, are one huge giant troll. Is your room still intact? xD
I'm the only non-English person here but I still feel like being the grammar ****: Wall Coliseum. ;) (That's the official name of the object. xD)...
Yeah man, it's really cool!!
You really have to start taking more care of your threads. The canvas map is not "Forgeworld". And the count of players is not "1 (min) - 1...
AWESOME MAP BRO! As always, great work on the aesthetics, you really have your own style and I love it. The 4 flag gametype looks hectic and...