If you are working on a really cool Infection map at the moment, a map you think is worthy joining a contest or even being able to win a contest,...
And thanks for the tip, I'll keep it in mind. It's just that LSIALM is so old that a lot of people forgot about it, even though they liked it.
---------- No not that kind of warning, lol. ---------- Haha I lol'd hard when I read the sentence follwing that one. xD I definitely know a...
My inbox is full, it's better to just leave me a visitor message instead.
What are you talking about? Nobody is being hard on him.
The killball looks always ugly, in any way on any map. (Except if you cover it up for the majority.)
I'll be there!
Thanks! I would use aesthetics like desks, but it's impossible to use any money for that on Ridgeline if you already have to do so much else. ;) I...
I do 90% of map forging in my head.
@DC That song is amazing indeed, Iris is a classic. This song is being used at the end compilation of London Late Night (a Dutch talkshow about...
Alright, I did. :) I'm hosting two BIOC lobbies next week, if you want to you can sign up.
I'm currently thinking of a way to work on the first staircase, it's a bit messy indeed. Honestly I don't like it either, and the fact that you're...
True, true, although I went +20 in two games in a row. But I'll definitely play this map again sometime with Redy himself in the lobby. I would...
I play Infection all the time, so I was thinking I should probably add you on Live. That way, when we're both online and both have time, I can...
I knew I did the right thing nominating this map for the next FHF. I played this map a few times today, expecting it to be a whole lot of fun, but...
Maps, Sigs, it's all the same.
Could you really not find it? It's freaking easy to find. As well as this. And otherwise there's always the search option to use. No offence,...
No offence but. Read. The. Text.
Alright, thanks. That's reassuring, I already hated the fact that they removed grenades on the maps. I wish we could go back to Halo 3 style,...