Holy @#%* thats awesum!
Needler *****?! Run everyboby run!!! *runs in circle panicing.
Dont let your brother get on your account...for numerous reasons.
Yes, he tried removing me from the group.
Do ya like my signature?
Whoa more posts....
Gumby, I like thy name.
Wanna talk on XBL about group building?
hello, your back online I see...*shivers in room. COUGHassholeCOUGH
Yes, your correct. But, testing human patience is fun at times, is it not...Bottom line is I want to know who`s side your on.
well no one talks on thy group page...
PM me for info on the group "we`re capable of using grammar".
So uh, Will you be back on anytime soon?
Well some1 seems angry...
-People who quit out in MLG when you're losing -People who think they can hack accounts -People who think being an Elite in SWAT helps -People...
Pegasi delta isnt a sad loss, Vorpal. It`s a horrible loss.:cry:
Those matchmaking A-holes sending repetitive messages saying random vulgar words in hopes of letting me know I`m inferior...It aint workin`.
Freesamples, dont be a @!#^%& suck up. whats the escapee destroyer made of though is what I`m interested in?
BF:BC group sux...:haha::haha::haha:
I think its true so why dont you?