But mind rape is more fun!
I like the sig in general but I'm curious as to what you did to it?
But ur creepy lady sig was better than this and so was ur Iron Man one and See even Mallet agrees with me and Vinny agrees with me but in...
I don't like it... It just seems like you oversharpened the render a lot and that it is bland. It also looks a lot like one of Hells sigs that you...
It's a nice overall sig I just don't like not being able to tell what it is... The render is too covered but then again you can't really get the...
I plan on making more... Probably for my chick in space one and my dude with the glowing orb one.
Why thank you kind sir.... Edit: [Spoiler] [/Spoiler]
Yellow burning retinas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay I see no change but w/e its still good and just yellowy which is bad...
Vinny: I can't find my 22flock files!!!!!!! I have no idea where they went. But anyways I'll make a V.3. right now. Edit: Nevermind... I found...
V.2. Posted and see u tomorrow...
I think the left side needs ur avatar... It would make it amazing!!!! =)
Okay I'm gonna CnC it a little just for fun... I don't like yellow!!!!!! For me the yellow ruins it and I think without it it would be a great...
Okay so I've been making bright C4d heavy sigs lately... So now I made a dark C4d Heavy sig!!!!! It was light but then I added filters so it...
Me niether but I think ur avatar has more of a chance of controlling my life =)
Wow... I never thought I would see something like that... Just Wow. Okay so here is my immediate reaction... [Spoiler]
I like the overall effect of it but the guy on the right is too blurry and isn't working. Also you should make the render the main focal point not...
Okay so I was trying to get flow... I think this has good flow and Chi and all that so please CnC. [IMG] Okay no motion blur... [IMG] New...
Okay... A couple things. First I'm guessing you cut out the render so I'm not gonna comment on that but you should set up an account on...
To me it seems like there is too many abstract shapes and they are too opac... Also the text blends for their names. Pretty good so far but they...
I liked the pen tool back then... If you look at my current sig and even the spoiler there is no Pen... It looks decent though. =/