Exactly... And it's not me flaming Obama it's McCain flaming Obama! =) [Spoiler]
Oh... but still sharpen the render and un blur and take out second smiley... They are holding it back.
It haz too blurry and I don't like the less opaque smiley tag... It looks good other than that though. Also sharpen the render once or twice. =)
tut tut tut... In all the meanings that tut inplies... Also what program r u using. And to resize use the Marquee tool and then go to...
These are very samey and you should try to mix it up a little more... Also if you're gonna make something you might as well make it your own... I...
Don't even use the link then... Just right click the sig and save picture as... Then upload it to ur own photobucket or whatever you use... Also...
You can join my shop...
You tell him Linubidix! Okay now that Linubidix played the bad guy I am gonna sugar coat it for you... These aren't up to your full potential and...
True but it made me ROFL so I wanted to share it with u guys... w/e...
Can E93 suck ur right?
Yeah... But w/e lesser of two evils... Also we need people for the media to make fun of so they do serve a purpose.
Hey Hells... I don't think he gets that he needs to use defaults... Maybe saying it a couple more times will get the point across =). Also Zeus......
Yeah... http://i529.photobucket.com/albums/dd334/Lord_Terrax_XII/PoliticalStatement.png Have fun! Edit: Also can u +rep if u use it.
No just pro-McCain...
Yeah... Invisible Pink is a color that looks rather decent on unicorns.... <|=) Fauxhawk!!
Lord Terrax XII says... [IMG] Hehe... =)
Okay so I noticed there were a lot of Obama supporters on here so here you go. [IMG] I really don't care about CnC... I wasn't trying to make it...
Well I surely hope you will... My fingers bled typing that last one.
Invisible Pink on Unicorns looks pretty good... Or I.P.on.U for short =)