People please rep Shade... I don't like my partner in crime having -rep... It makes us look bad :/
Yeah... This is our shop so anyways Shade you don't have to be a user on planetrenders if ur just requesting a sig cuz we just need a link to the...
Sushi I haz making ur sig my wallpaper!!!! Also I can't post my Desktop cuz it is sucky and pathetic but jeez u guys gots cool BG's
I is still liking mine but I gotsta vote for DizFunky... I likez ur sig a lot!!!! It is very wondery and amazing and such.
Use a spoiler... I think ur sig is questionable as it is so for a spoiler put in [Spoiler] Your text here [/Spoiler ] But without the space and it...
I like it but it's kinda boring... To improve it I would use some C4d's to make it look like he is exploding out of the pic (see my spoiler) also...
Looks really good. You've really improved! =)
I actually think that anime or animation would be good... But not everyone has animation programs so eh...
Wrap [Code][/Code ] Tags...
To Sdrakulich... You should make a sig with Magnum in it... That would be totally amazing. Also Juggernaut448... How long did this take you?
Is it that ImageReady thing or something different?
What program did you use? Also OMG THIS IS SO AMAZINGLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Job!
I is angry... My homeworks taken me 3 hours... Probably cuz I've been posting so much but w/e Edit: Icickle's a girl?!?!?!?!!?!
Getting a partner...
Dude I am so ripping this! =)
I don't know what u just said but w/e... Just post on my shop... It's on the first page.
I can make decent .gif but I need more specifics.
V.3. is a major improvement from V.1. So kudos... also yeah remove the reflection... :/
grrr.... I like the sig in general but just some words of wisdom brushes aren't always good for backgrounds and if you do use brushes stick to...
The tuts on planetrenders are very helpful in my opinion and also you need to google it. Also I posted a DBZ tut that helps with smudging and C4d use.