I used PhotoShop CS... All the pic is, is a heavily smudged background with a bunch of C4d's set to color dodge w/ some text...
Okay it's smaller and I added the text. [IMG]
Okay so I saw Funky's wonder sig and I'm like I can do that, so I made this sig by using the same stocks as Funky and I like it so w/e plz CnC....
You don't need to neccesarily get rid of the glare but you can use it to the sigs advantage... Such as cut out a explosion in the shape of his...
I actually liked the colors from 1 and 3 the best... The yellow isn't workin for me in 2.
HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hells I can tell u put like 5 hours into that but I gots one for 'Coon... It's 8x11 (I think normal is 8 1/2 x 11) and it's...
The tut thread is in the universal resourses thread and also you need to be more specific also, what program do u use?
Although I know it's ur style I'm starting to get bored with the blackness on either side of the focal... I know ur talented enough to think of...
Well I made the McCain one so u got pwnd!
Dude! I got PS like 3 weeks ago! I only dled it cuz I saw other peoples sigs and my dad already had it... Anyway now I don't feel so bad that I'm...
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! U is back to PS!!!!!!!!! I'm amazed at how long you went without it (4 or 5 hours?) Jeez u gotz willpower! Anyway I don't really...
Yeah Funky's right... Even though it's ur "trademark" it's nice to switch it up a bit. Also I haven't seen a single C4d in ur sigs and I think u...
Yeah... But you should just go to other shops and do the requests that they got and just use those as practice and to kill the boredom... Also...
Tutorialgod http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/31899-dragonball-z-sig-tut.html Tutorial God is da bomb and obviously I have to post...
No offence Hari but you don't seem like you have developed your technique quite enough for a sig shop... I mean u seem to have a style that works...
U kinda need to be more specific and I don't think that just u giving rep is a huge insentive cuz u give like 2 points. But anyway I might give it...
I is liking them but they aren't very amazing. Anyway here's some CnC so it doesnt sound like I'm just flaming. The first couple use essentially...
Yayz u iz in da green!!!! But yeah I knowz what u meanz....
It will if we get some requests... Also I gots dibs on first request ^_^
Just go on planetrenders and go to renders gallery and there are two sub galleries called Abstract and Fractal Renders. Personally I prefer...