Yeah Alby's is better but how do you change ur name... .Core!
The leg is lost in the white too much... Also the BG is kinda boring cuz it looks like u just brushed on some red and black. The glare on the...
Looks good but dude u iz mezzed upz! Jk but really creepy iz not mai thing but w/e u'z good so...
MasterJelly's gay!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!! Gasp! (I always kinda had a feeling) But anyways I like the sig a lot... The white, blue and black color scheme...
Okay so I made a custom rank and am lookin for some CnC... I have no clue why it's Yoda but w/e... It's just what I already had and so I used it...
Could u plz post the settings? Also it looks great but a little boring in the BG.
Hehe... U said *wink wink*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also a V.4. would be shaggadelic. [Spoiler]
Hehe... Fragman's sig made me smile. Anyway I likez the sig a lot but what is the main thingy? It looks good but I just can't tell what it is.
U need to be more clear in your request.
V.2. and V.3. look much better but the BG doesn't work with the C4d... Black would be better... Good improvement though! =)
It makes it transision smoother by putting in more frames between the image and it like fades out the one while the next frame fades in.
It is smooth up until it gets to the end and then it jumps and doesn't look good. Also the C4d isn't working and a sig around this would look cool...
It's fine here but it would probably be more usefull in the resources thread.
Mods- Can this be put in Universal resources? Edit: Also u forgot shopping in hell... And I would remove Nats and Raven's cuz they don't...
To Frag: I disagree... I doubt that DizFunky asked Lone... Also everything worth doing has already been done so we just need to improve them....
Owned said it all... But anyway you should update this thread with a V.2. like now... It's been a while and you don't need to change too much to...
Well... Technically the hand and the orb was Lone's idea to begin with and then Funky make a variation of it and I made a variation of Funky's......
Yeah this was just a quick sig that took like 45 minutes... Thanks though, I'm glad everyone likes it.
Okay... so it's nice that everyone likes it but does anyone have anything I can do to improve it?
The C4d's fit really well but as Hells said more contrast would be nice.