this will be a nice break from all this damn Shakespeare hw I've been doing today, downloading now :) EDIT: what do you do when you get to the...
A glitch I suppose. A couple people were telling me about this yesterday, I'll give it a try later today. EDIT:...
YouTube - A Halo Reach beta glitch I found this video to be incredibly entertaining.
you mean this one?
What are you on about? Link/pics or it didn't happen. On topic, I think they will become features.
no, do a google search of it lazy.
I was reading some of the ripped strings from the reach beta, and some of them definitely represent firefight (e.g. hero, reinforcements, new...
the entire video reminded me of sonic the hedgehog's homing attack :P
Invasion slayer with 12 people you know is ****ing awesome. Have everybody go to the bridge in the corner; spartans holding out while being...
...have you driven the tank yet? The tank's controls screw up constantly. It really does not seem like the kind of vehicle that was meant to be...
you have to play 3 matches per day, 3 times to be placed into a division. but yeah, 15-20+ per game and going 1689 on your first is pretty damn good.
tank controls are broken :/
There are a couple needle rifles at the beginning, usually my team mates will put them to good use.
get on reach?
you check in the arena. after playing 3 games, it'll tell you what rating you are. to see your division, you check your stats. don't think...
How do you do a barrel roll in a banshee? i don't know which button..
[IMG] My division. So it's gold then?
Loving Invasion Slayer. Regular invasion however, is more of an over-hyped CTF. it's okay.
Personally, I don't think it's either. Just look at this pic(stolen from MetaWaddleDee :D) [IMG] See how the elite is face to face with the other...