cool, thanks. sadly i cant remeber it that well and i dont have GoW anymore...but i could probly barrow it from a friend
idk, might be kinda open. i havent looked yet, but is there a site where it shows jacinto?
lol yea we do. we can do jacinto first, thats cool with me. i say dome is 2nd then
lol yea, we could do all of them. i think im a fast forger...but im kinda thinking Dome now. It would be cool making something with a death pit in...
ummmmmm no. Snippy ftw. i think it worked well, even though i didn't grab it even once -.-
yea, jacinto was something i wanted to do back in the sandbox days. my first map on reach was ruins for GoW. did a bad job on that lol Dome is...
just a little thing. unless it's just me, the links on the site don't work correctly.
hmm. im leaning towards Highrise, but Storm would be pretty cool too; its sorta boxy. How would we do Fuel? That map is huge lol
...oh, well sorry about that lol i wasn't thinking fully. Well alright. That area is still my favorite aesthetic piece though lol
I agree with PsychoDuck, testing on this was fun. It was nice seeing the little changes every time. One of the coolest parts is in a corner, the...
hey, you going to be on xbl between 12-3:30 est today? cuz some spawn tweeking would be cool, along with a test for TG
What are you talking about? That was my awesome snipe across map. They don't call me Longhot for nothing :P joking Really nice video by the way,...
I feel really bad now reading the comment Psycho left you, but i edited my post, and i can't test/feedback till tomorrow (March 4th) but I also...
Well not to burst your bubble or anything, but while building, i realized just doing a re-imagination would work better. Some areas i kept, others...
If this epic story is true...then that is pretty cool I only tea-bag if its someone i know. I rarely do it, but if i do, it's just to mess around...
Well, this is probably not what you're going for but you could place, lets just say, 3 Snipers. Their spawn time is set with 60, 120, 180secs.,...
Tested this map a couple times, and i think it gets better everytime. The changes on the teleporters are nice. It's not just going from side to...
Gamertag: iTzz Longshot Times you can get on: 12pm-5p CST Mic yes/no?: Yes Something describing yourself: Im kinda quiet, jokester Some of your... i can become a member right now even though i haven't posted feed back? (although i have tested a lot with u guys...)
lol they grow up so fast :') so if i'm correct, to join TG, all i have to do is test a map, then post feed back?