Sorta...i added a rock to the so it's easier to recognize. And the "Rock Spire 2" is moved to the wall so it still provides its cover, but its not...
it's almost done. what about "Forge Buds"? and then our names?
-.- ok, you know me, i just like to forge. If i really enjoy it, ill post it, ad play it more lol Plus when i think of a 1v1 map, i think of it...
lol alright, sweet. Umm i stills dont know exactly on what wording to put in "co-forgers" seems bland to me. Well, i was talking to Matt, and he...
hey! i thought of a special a SIG we can both have. lol still working on the words to put into it. It consist of the forgeworld as the background,...
sooo hey, for the 1v1 map we tested today, you talked about adding another walkway. So are you talking about extending the tall platform that has...
Toads!!! In zee hole. This game is awesome. Grabbin' flags, going off a lift, being rejected by the blue team, and cappin those flags. It's...
Well what I mean is that I want the weapons to always spawn at certain times (ex: the weapon spawn time is 1min and will spawn at 15:00(start),...
It looks pretty cool. The evade jump to sniper was awesome. The grass/tincups under the camo looks bumpy if your try to walk on the other pathway....
Alright, so I'm wanting to have a set timer for some power weapons like in MLG. I know of coarse that the weapon has to be "dropped" from it's...
I'm a cool kid :)
dude, someone put a crazy photo in the "picts of the peeps". there's....a female O.o (not u btw lol)
:O no way! lol well if someone reads my wall, they can see what you got... ALright, will do. p.s. sending u a PM of hte map
thanks ;) Yea, well that sucks. it looked good, but i know what you mean. i hate the lighting the Coliseum. Im also using that walk-way. It's...
hey, i drew out this 1v1 asymmetrical map. This is the first time im doing a asymmetrical map of my own, so it's iffy. I'm going to make it on...
its sad i didnt get to check out your map that much, but next time, ill look around for an hour :) and you can check out my 4v4 Diverge...but...
lol alright, well i was just making sure.Ii haven't seen anyone else do that with the grid, so i was just assuming :)
So hey, I just want to ask if I can sorta take your aesthetics idea with the grid and incorporate it in my Diverge map? Im sure I seem weird...
umm, i would like to play some Toads soon :)
Nice video. Tsquared is still my favorite MLG Player :) The map looks awesome, I haven't followed MLG since Halo 3, so did they add it to their...