No, its ust behind it haha, observant though.
blaze, you think you can help me witth the link for my map, i just want it to be my name, but im not sure how, i need it for LMC
hahaha this is aweomse bro, i ove it. and for your poll, try FLAMING APOSTLE, that would be amazing.
Bro, you need to read the facking discription, its for LMC, no interlocking on purpoise. And its not 1v1 its up to 4v4
haha this is wicked cool, its not exactly a map, but who cares. pure aweomseness, and hilariarity, love it. Bro
nice interlocking, i think your map could use more cover though, and other ways to get higher on the map, stairs, or geomerging. 4/5
i dont think its sloppy, i think its a great idea, and looks like it must have been extremely difficult to forge. gameplays awesome, it seems...
Edit- pictures are of the original, i recently tested it, and made triple walls, on each side. non escapable. Whats up bros, this is my new map...
its cool, nothing i would download though, i think your better off just making an original interlocked map, as apposed to taking original maps and...
this seems like a good first map, interlocking, which you mgith have never seen ebfore, would make this a ton better, maybe add some other aspects...
i thnk it looks really cool, well made, with great aesthenics. i think you deffinately have a 5/5 on your hands, and the only improvement i would...
i really like it, i think its well made, and seems fine for 1V1. i think one picture is enough, and gameplays good. 4.5/5
scopulus, i was watching one of your videos, and my map (Bad Posture) was in it. I was pretty pumped, you should have said something to me haha
no problem bro, map looks awesome, i bet v2 will be even better.
good job bro, map looks ncie, well made, and has great gameplay. since you seem interested in things people think are fixable, maybe geomerge the...
map looks real well made, cool interlocking. it has a pretty cool design, maybe a little too open, but stilll good. i give your map a 4/5 PS, my...
add more pics, you dont have to tell us how to pass each room, just an example of your forging abilities.
map looks good, pretty good layout from what i can see, with nice interlocking on the inside of the map, but the outer walls could use work....
i likw the idea, searh and destroy, which im pretty sure is what you were going for, is wicked fun. i like hardcore more. you coulda made a...
map looks well made, you clearly took time to make it looks good, play goood, and run good. honestly though (no one flip on me) im really not...