ha i was trying to be fair, if i won, and didnt tell mallet, i would feel like a d1ck. anyway, 35 isnt too much, so 35 maps, and 4 medals, i think...
thats awesome,i wanna make an actualy map using tons of switches, but have it be like slayer. maybe you could help me, cus thats awesome
map looks pretty cool, there may be too many power weapons, i think it has a cool layout though. prob like a 4/5
this map looks almost identical to one just posted, theyre both nice maps though. nice interlocking
where you have the double boxes its really good, then i think it gets kind of empty. interlocking is good, i tihnk you could do more though.
map looks okay, besides the bsesw i think its too open, maybe add some cover bro, it has potential.
i think this map is aweomse, for some one any level, interlocking is perfect, i love it. and onyx was a pokemon =)
thanks bluedevil. i hope your right.
some one drew it up, like circled the dino, haha. oh well, maybe you just need to use your IM-AG-I-NA-TION, haha bro dont worry about it. no big deal
in the first picture of the mind**** thing, theres a dinosaur running at you, trex i think. took me a while too.
thanks, im gonna go watch some movies soon, peace bro.
yah i got it. I didnt do it in the actualy post, just in the LMC2 submission thread, i think ima do it in the actual post right now though, you...
Thanks bro, a lot of people have said it needs interlocking, im just getting frusterated with it.
Mallet, i know you won last time, so i checked out Blue to see what I was competing against. So running through it, i found you can get out of...
got it, thanks bro.
User name: Bloumbas Map name: Texture R&E Did you read and fallow the instructions: Yes Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: Not at...
sorry im so difficult, but i still dont understand, haha
Nah, i retested it, and retested it. There is no way, haha and yah im gonna, this one is just for LMC2
like how to turn this link http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=48299048 to be a link that takes you there, and says Texture
like, i have the link for my map, but its just a link. i want the link to be inserted intyo the name. like how your get from forgehub to...