this maps really cool, nice layout, aesthenics are pretty good. looks really good for king of the hill, or territories. the color in the capping...
looks well amde, for what your doing. pretty unique, i like it. good job. 4/5
wow, amazing ma. awesome layout, and the map is really, really well made. ill get some games going on here then get back to you.
pretty nice looking map, cool layout. interlocking where iyts used is nice, but i see some spots that could use some. 3.5/5
i think you should have differant sections of maps, such as like. Most downloads, most comments, highest rating, most views. i think this wiull...
even though you dont have any pics, im still glad you made this map on cold storage i hope you can get pics up soon.
whoa, this looks really cool, an awesome aesthenic map, deffinately not for slayer though, ive tried on maps like this, and it lacks something.
looks like a cool layout, with nice interlocking and geomerging. ameplays okay, its kinda open though.
didnt yo post ithica v1 just the ther day? it should take a couple days to fix a map, not hours.
no problem, i just found something wrong with my map too, i have like fence boxes, with warthogs inside them for aesthenics, but if you grenade...
k, pics work now. map looks really cool, and well made. nice layout, and it seems fun. 4/5
map looks really open, layout could use some work, adding more structures, and cover would help. i think the interlocking could also ne cleaner....
pretty cool idea, but if you have like 8 people, and theres only like 16 squares, well have problems, and it seems like people can be too easily...
masp looks pretty cool. nice layout. i think interlocking cxould be cleaner, and used more often. Fusion also doesnt seem like a fitting name...
thanks pen, that was awesome.
mallet and whoever said i was lying, heres the link to a vid of me gettin out of map on "blue" : Community : Forum Topic Listing :...
i wouldnt lie about it, the man cannons on the wall. ill take a video, and put it in my file share. then you can check it out.
i dont think you added much, looks like a couple sheild doors, a rocket launcher, and a sword. maybe throw us a weapons list, or some better...
for your first map, the interlocking is cool, i think it might be a bit too open though. throw in osme cover, attackers seem screwed. also, what...
omg, the map looks frggin amazing, please, please, please get more pics. this looks insane.