this is cool, maybe you could show me? wait i forgot you got banned for stealing maps and passing them off as your own.
dimmest i saw your map,i think you have a chance at some category. wanna check mine out and see if thers anything i could work on, i fixed the...
I don't ; )
1-Cosmic rick- some innovative creative maps. He pisses me off sometimes though and i always think to myself, damn, why didnt i think of that....
gamertags the same as my hub name Bloumbas
lookin at the map i say...g0d d4mn it. I'm posting in lazy mapmakers too, but im afraid yours could top mine in some category. it has a cool...
map looks pretty cool, a decent layout. i think you could use more cover though. gameplays okay, runs pretty smoothe. oh and kudos for making...
okay, as long as you had permission its fine, but we need some originality, you edited some one elses map, some one else is beingyelled at for...
if you made this map (which you claim you did, and i believe you...for now) its pretty cool. i like a lot of the dieas, some say theyve played it...
i actually love this scarab. i think it looks like scarab, with some cool features. i think you finally nailed it after 12 tries haha
map llooks fun, i cant wait for it. looks god awful for forge though.
i hope they come to forgehub, they didnt a while ago for maps, and thats how i got involved in the community. unfortunately, i think they're...
ncaa basketball 2k7 theres 5 achievements for 1000. uhm nhl 2k something, same deal there. I have like 860 in madden 08, also have 880 in viva...
deffinately the first one. I know how he got pink eye, some one farted on his pillow.
wtf. some one already made this map, and it looks like the exact same thing. do you know halostriker? you cant just go remake maps , id be...
Sorry, i must have forgot. august 20th, not enough time for some one to top my amazing map ; )
thanks vorpal. your prob right, a shotgun in there would piss a lot of people off. andyah, i already started a remake w/ intelrocking, i hope to...
I'm working on this new map on foundry. every object is interlocked, and all touching the ground are geomerged. I'm not really sure how to...
i wasnt really in the commenting mood, but i decided to check this out. I'm glad i did, it has great interlcoking, with a crazy layout. this...