10-15 sounds good, so nothing drastic could happen, no lasers or anything like that, but like perks so you can see enemys through light walls,...
cool you make sigs, wanna resize mine and make it a little smaller?
i think the makers of this game went in the wrong direction, i know the name BTW. I think what made cod 4 great, was the modern warfare, the new...
gears of war, the original, was in my opinion, the greatest game of all time. I played countless hours, probably days on that, and as a result,...
Hey bros, I'm on a lot, prob too much, i have a few maps in progress, and ive posted a couple. i recently fine tuned my skills, so my maps are...
i liked it at the time, poke red was awesome, and i gaurantee no one here could beat my pokemon, i still have them memorized today Gengar lvl 100...
you should have used more balanced items, not just walls and fence walls, walls, box's double boxes, open versions of the two, just so you odnt...
not bad, it has some nice interlocking, but could use more to even things out, i think it has a cool layout, but maybe throw in some more structures.
cool layout, its pretty unique looking, i like the intelrocking you did too, great aesthenics. gameplays fun as well. 4/5
it has a cool name, i thought it was a switch, but i guess not. cap the flag and KOTH, seem like they would be fun on this map. i tihnk it could...
i see some nicely interlocking bridges, pretty basic gameplay, but none-te-less fun. Maybe throw some cover, so thers no sniper camping.
nice idea, big hill in the middle, to flat out dominate, i think there too many exploding objects though, can you say lag?
i think you have a fun idea here, but work could be done. maybe make a top wall, of fence walls, so you can still see through, but cant jump out,...
nice aesthenics, it is well forged, but i think you could add more cover for the attackers, i tihnk inside the firt, it has a nice layout, qith...
it is improved, i like when people listen, but there is still problems, if you check the firts post he hit a lot of points, are there jumping...
the first pic looked awesome, just like tyro station, but i think the rest of the map might be a little open.
im diggin all these, my list would be south park, family guy, simpsons, i like story, but not a necessity, just laughs. South park has both, and...
nah i woudlt get it, im digging GH4, with its drums, cas my guitars broekn, os i need a new one...too bad i was epic with it, beat the game on...
i've seen a map like this, just one-lifers, ive seen it on last resort, iw ould say its more like dodgeball, not tennis. unfortunately, that was...
its a well forgeed map, but i do think it isfarr too open, and is more for aesthenics, its like one of the featured maps, it had bad gameplay but...