gears of war, best online multyplayer, best graphics best everything, the best dog.
i vote gunslinger, its a little differant.
ha i love it, what are the odds? something kinda like that happened to me the other day too, it was epic, i love halo, because so many...
thats amazing, i wish i could do stuff lie this, i dont undertsand switches though, but im glad you made this, its amzing.
yavi, thats a joke right? haha if i believe you, and your lying i feel like an idiot.
i loved it, but it was far too overdone. they spent 2 billion dollars on these games, they built 2 stadiums, and an extremely populous city of...
yes, yes, yes!!!! deffinately use this, this could end everyones gas troubles, which would be good, cas im gettting my permit in about a year and...
metal gear sucks, i hate that game, ive always hated them haha, i do think halo deserved it, only cas halos forge, i love . And halo has the best...
i dont personally know any of your maps, so i cant trell if they're good names. i name my maps, on the shape and looks of them, like the one in...
Damn, im gonna check that out right now, and yah, tex is too fair to let that happen, so to be honest, i think you have a really good chance.
Ill help you guys out, I don't need to be a member of the hub, you clearly have to do some special stuf to be one, but if you neeed people to play...
good job, its a pretty cool layout, with some nice inerlocking, and sweet geomerging too.
m16 noobs, haha. M4 carbine with a silencer, or noob tube, is amazing. I play hardcore, cas i am hardcore, so i use a silenced m4 carbine,...
Hahaha, you think thta mallet, ive checked out a alot of maps, they're all good, dontr consider yourself the winner yet, if you dont even know...
looks really cool, i tihnk more pics would make it more appealing, im gonna DL it right now, and play it shen i get off the hub.
not a bad map, it has an okay layout, i think you could have taken more time, it looks kind of sloppy. i see theres no intelrocking right? is...
ahha, i was reding the posts, i think the pooping thing is hilarious, yeah its not a abd map, kinda sloppy, and obviously gameplay lacks, its...
final-freakin-ly. Blaze, after getting featured once, is finally getting the attention he deserves, he has so many more maps that could be...
hey knight, maybe you and i should make a game, and call it cod 5. That would be epic, can you say "Game of the year"?
false, even though hes an idiot, and the celtics wrecked him, YAHHH BOYY, he would risk his career, or his agent wouldnt let him, he jumps high...