it looks well made, so i think if you found a way to get rid of honor rules youll get more dl's because theres always one dbag that will ruin the...
the first map looks really cool, woth some awesome aspects, such as the geomeged soccer ball, i wish i know how, im gonna try to find someone to...
i didnt see it, but i think thats great, we make the best maps, so maybe well be the maps featured in custom games.
scop i saw earlier you didnt know what the chute was, its one of my favorite maps for one flag. its awesome, i have it DL'd if you ever wanna see...
k i will, is your gt the same as your hub tag.
ill help out bro, im sick again today, i think i got strep or sumthin, but ya ill help GT=Bloumbas
good luck man, party hard. what college and major, will we ever hear from you again?
i wish i kned how, i would make an all blue map, it would be ghetto.
looks nice, it has good interlocking and a cool layout, i think if you geomerged boxes into the ground, there could be more ways to get up to the...
this is cool, i dont think teleporters are needed, if you fall, your out. would the prowlers own the worthogs life though? i have no idea if...
the first room looks pretty easy, shoot the fusion coil, maybe some pics of the other rooms, just to show your abilitys
cooks pretty good, i tihk ive seen better...maybe some more pics could change my... OMG, sin fwang, get out of my head, those were my exact...
i like it, but shouldnt this be at the bottom of our priority list? were at war, scientist are about to use a machine that could cause a black...
thats pretty cool, good idea, a little soppy, but so what. I like how you got under the aap, thats pretty original for a map like standoff.
make your pics biggger, but from the little i cann see it looks really cool, so good job, i cant really tell you about the layout, bevause its so...
ive never played countrstrike, but form what i can see this is really cool, and really good. it looks almost exactly like the pictures, so good...
yah, ive seen one, i remember. the kids explanation of the map was he was "loopy" and messsed up, and made it with actual doors. haha, you could...
this is the best ddgeball map, i have ever sen, it is uncampable, un escapable, and it stops you from jumping across, congrats on achieving...
looks a little messy, not sure how it is for gameplay. but great asethenics, it looks really cool. so good job with that, nice to see something...
E93, im no member, but i'd love to help. which is cool, cas im leaving at like ten that night, and going to my cousins for a few days. and i...