:P inorite?
Test that theory... Say "Sarge, can i haz recon?"
That one was just to get a chuckle, wasn't it...
When i said "who unbanned me" didn't mean go ahead and re ban me! lol
o well... ill just spend 10 mins in the black hole known as the OT... PS: I still think that's kinda funny... that prank and all...
I know you told me that Nitrous pulled that prank on you, but you never told me it = autoban... If you said it while i was in the SB I either...
when did you warn me?
Vorpal, Can you get in the lolbox and ban Tinginho? He's breaking every rule just to piss all of us off...
Can you get Tz to lolbox ban Tinginho?
Can you shoutbox ban Tinginho? He keeps on spamming it... I'd usually bother SS or X5 with this, but... they're offline...
lol x5? Im guessing you got sarge to change your name finally?
So SNP is still dead?
I'll take that as a no? Would it have been more fun with me? :D
Well, was it fun?
The one day I'm sick you go on a locking spree in the OT! lol
For the xbox? I came.
Hope you guys had fun at the party w/o me. I was literally throwing up every 15-20 mins. So, if I had come, I'd be leaving for 5 mins at a time...
:D ...
Congratz on gettin in the 7 on 7 playlist!