You just had to go the extra mile, didn't you? So proud of yourself that you can try and pull out one more insult on me? Seriously, just ****ing...
**** it, I'm gonna drop this **** 'cause you are just not listening whatsoever.
When did I claim to be mature... I'm far from that, as well as you.
I'll also remember to never take you seriously because you're so mature you don't have to be serious.
Fine, I'll say you win... I'll shut up... I'll pretend this never happened... I'll pretend that this argument made no sense on my side and your...
For the past three ****ing days it's been non stop continual insulting jokes against me! Going to your page is not harassing you. It's not...
A joke I can take, but harassment is what I act on.
To start off, just go **** yourself... Now, let me get to it... You're a power abusing ignorant ass who is so self-righteous that he has to go...
(Continued) To me, all you look like now is a hypocritical moron who abuses his power above people. I have lost all respect for you and I have no...
I talked to shock and he said it'd be pretty unlikely that they'd find out... Sure, I'll make a group and post the link later. Oh god, please...
Yep, It appears your little "Prince of Darkness" has taught me well :P
Considering that his only post so far was spam and his account was created last night... It's obviously your decision but I just want to note his...
Thanks for what? I've become a small version of SargeantSarcasm that doesn't have mod powers... I ***** about everything. :P
Ranked- 15 Social- 14 Total- 29 I'd like it Medium Rare please!
Well, It appears that Kapura was demoted and banned for giving that infraction... The only question is whether you've received infractions for the...
If anyone here could help teach me a few things 'round PSE7, I'd lessthanthree you forever...
lol @ your reply in the "what are your asperations" thread...
Leave it to Kidbomber to have something completely artistic...
not at all