Hey, i saw that your halo 3 disc is screwed beyond belief. Umm, I can tell you how to fix it if you upload a picture or something so i can tell...
I'm canadian, my government aint corrupt and we still vote for ourselves :p
KB, nobody is holding you back from voting in the sig/avatar things. I voted for mine, you can vote for yours... from the looks of it at the...
I thought you might know... *confused face
Scopety Scope! I'm guessing you got that xbox cause you did the "no rrod" thing in the master list.
Hey, Insane. Do you know what a cah nomination is? Your map, Duel of the Fates, has one. And so does my map clan meeting chamber v4.6... Just...
lol, okay.
Yeah, thats the only project im currently workin on.
1st LOL at the ODST Codename 2nd Do you want to help with that map I was asking about? We could do a collaboration. _____ By SargeantSarcasm &...
Well, truthfully, I want to try and pull this map to its full potential... I may be able to do that by myself, but it'd be easier if i had a...