FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU Why don't people like it? I always felt like a bad ass when I was duel-wielding. It was tons of fun.
Sure, invite me. The first invite didn't work.
If it's when you're in the air then most likely someone collided with you.
If you're playing lefty on xbox, it will probably be right bumper.
Is it weird that I just today beat the last two co-op missions? I'm always willing to play. It was intentional, but people abused the hell out...
It's not about accomplishing anything. 343 have gone out of their way to make this game the way they want to, even at the expense of fans. If...
It's obvious that no one here really likes the changes, but some people are playing devil's advocate to basically prevent this thread from...
When people say Halo Reach sucked is when I disregard their argument. Seriously, play a game that got 6 or below on metacritic. Go play a random...
Did the article mention load-outs? It seems like, though AAs will still be in the game, they will be implemented in a new way. I would still wait...
Am I in Australia? The forum is upside down.
But in a community, the ones voicing their opinions aren't really representative of the entire consumer base. If people appreciate changes,...
Why would Microsoft waste millions of dollars paying devs to make a game when they just make it themselves? wat
Where are people getting the idea that Microsoft is the bad guy behind all of these new ideas? When has anyone made that clear? Why would...
I heard that the Spartan Ops mode would tie in to multiplayer. In Spartan Ops you would play as your multiplayer spartan. And any upgrades you...
After playing a little more I finally get what you mean. The Type 88 just went from my favorite gun to my least favorite gun. Not only does it...
I respect jazz for what it is but I also find it hard to listen to. I'd rather have it in the background when I'm eating in a restaurant or something.
That's pretty funny.
Yes, it does seem like they are taking an unhealthy amount of ideas from COD. I don't mind them taking Spec Ops, but the other things...
Why don't you like the idea? I think it will be fun as long as it's cheap or better yet, free. On the other hand, armor abilities and random...