That's pretty funny.
No, nerdy big losers can play too.
So apparently they're going to be releasing some Halo 4 info on Conan tomorrow night.
That's pretty stale.
I don't know why, but I would definitely rather have the sentinel beam over the focus rifle.
The plasma rifle isn't stronger, just better at depleting shields. If the assault carbine is covenant then it probably won't be a plasma weapon.
True neutral. Neutral Response - YouTube
You're probably right. According to Halopedia, the brute spiker is known as a carbine, so potentially the assault carbine could be full auto.
I just saw Titanic in 3D, that movie is ****ing great. The 3D was useless of course, but it was worth seeing it in theaters. Also there was a...
Can someone link me to one of those tests?
A covenant weapon wouldn't have a name like that, the assault carbine is probably human. The elite in the picture is obviously using a covenant...
Am I the only one who hears screams coming from my shoes when I'm walking?
Now draw Muhammad.
Is he hugging the tower or the monitor?
On the screen behind one of the guys it shows the AR. At like 0:40. I think it looks fine.
My high school counselor died today. Didn't know her that well. I'm more annoyed because I was literally hours away from scheduling my classes...
It will turn small maps into a big cluster****. Spawn timers slow down the game and make each life more important. Instant spawns will allow...
Vehicles were not an important part of Far Cry multiplayer. Most maps didn't even have them. They were pretty much death traps.
I've had the same experience. In fact, I rather enjoy riding on airplanes.
The grunts look fine, just different. Imagine if Halo CE didn't have the curly grunts and they suddenly introduced them in Halo 4. People would...