Probably. But isn't a true test of skill the ability to deal with these events on the fly? You got me. But I'm not basing my opinion on the info...
Of course the Irish guy would speak Irish. You're just perpetuating the stereotype. Let me guess, you're a two foot tall ginger with magical powers.
I just listened to the podcast and I have some thoughts. The "random" weapon drops don't sound too bad. Apparently, the devs think that...
Ya, because he hasn't abducted anyone for years.
That's what she said.
I just realized how much I love the design of the Infinity. If I were to design a giant space ship, that's exactly how I would make it look.
I need to stop being so condescending when I comment.
So I just learned about these so called "hunger games". I watched a Captain Sparklez video series and it looked ****ing AWESOME. Are there certain...
How many kills have the enemies got because you allowed them a few extra seconds by sneaking up to them instead of shooting them?
You can post whatever you want, I was just explaining Sam's comment.
I thought it was clever. Especially when they brought in the "average halo player".
No, because it sounds like "an unlucky coincidence and a glitch" kind of enraged you.
Can't. My power brick died and I had to order a new one. It hasn't come in yet.
Equipment were more fair and, IMO, more fun. Using a power drain to block a flanking route or stop an annoying warthog, destroying a chopper with...
That was in Game Informer.
Infinity ops would have been better. They can still change it if they want to, I think.
It doesn't work for me and I'm on a PC. :/
“You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.” -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott
Am I the only one here who's surprised by the fact that a significant amount of people here have not played all of the Halos? I mean, if you were...
I think they showed a real life Cortana at Coachella.