Please explain to me how this weapon could be considered lame in any way. I just skip over Nutduster's and Pac's posts.
Well then don't complain about us youngsters.
Says the guy in college. It is a well known fact that you can't complain about being old (or everyone else being young) until you're at least 30.
It sounds like you want Quake.
It's called single-player.
I've been following it normally. It has had some OHSHIT moments, but I don't even know what's going on in the plot anymore. I don't know what the...
I don't know if Mojang have very much to do with the development of this version. It seems to me that it's out of their hands. Personally I don't...
I don't think servers that become populated stay that way for very long. I'm pretty sure it fluctuates. I've fave'd servers that had 24 people in...
Something can be distracting and amazing. Like this. [img] Hmm, when I played I just camped in a tree the entire night and I didn't get...
So what you're complaining about is people getting bitched at for having a negative opinion yet you're also saying people who have a positive...
Math as we know it is a human construct. 2+2 will still =4, but that equation wouldn't look the same to us. If you went to a different...
I once heard a story of a city in Italy banning round goldfish bowls because it was cruel. When the goldfish looked out of the bowl, it would have...
I just have a ton of imaginary money.
[img] Before man there was no math. I'm willing to bet that in an advanced alien civilization there is a completely different way to calculate...
Crisis averted.
If the delusion doesn't hurt anyone, if the guy continues life normally but with the belief that he is special, let him go. Why should I care what...
I think it might be like they're playing a video game. So nothing could be revealed at the end of a match but lines of code.
You guys may think I'm living in a fantasy world but I do know that it is impossible for someone to keep their religion to themselves. I just...
Or you can lose self control, open your eyes and confront your worst fears.
[img] I think for religious people faith is not something that can be defended. What if you had a dream and in that dream God told you that...