Because a game should be unique. If they wanted to make a game with COD style multiplayer, they shouldn't have used Halo. The reason sequels exist...
I Think I Lost A Few Brain Cells.
Sounds to me like they took it from Aperture Science.
That's just how he brushes his teeth.
I don't know.
I wasn't being completely serious, but I meant that they would never want to release the game because they didn't think it was complete. A Bungie...
I'm sure if Bungie had control over the dev cycle then the game would never get released.
I wouldn't mind if they brought back Halo 3 teabagging.
A new game EVERY OTHER YEAR with FOUR DLCs. **** that ****. Why Bungie would rather work with Activision than Microsoft is beyond me.
I think there should be a strict adherence to a three strike policy.
He is a chemical engineer who wants to work on nuclear submarines.
They're retractable.
With their mouths.
Ira Glass doesn't even talk during most of the show.
That is the best box art of any Halo game so far.
I saw it on twitter.!/Batman5273/status/201565467696050176
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This. The only playable characters in MM will be Spartan IVs, 343i has said that many times.
furry is deadmau5