You know that 343i/CA could come up with a game type for a campaign style game (which is what invasion was), but the problem will be the maps. If...
As I have mentioned several times already, the obvious...
hmmm.... are you sure? Not my intend, apologize if I had. You might consider using the terms as how the terms have historically been used. The...
Clearly you are not engaged in the conversation we are engaged in. There is a reason that FH has had categories for competitive maps and casual...
It is not my experience that casual means anything different in any other community. Perhaps I am wrong, but that is my experience over the years....
Your perception is not supported by the evidence. Specifically, there have been competitive and casual forums for maps. It is easy to excuse away...
The reason I cannot accept this perspective is due to the historical use of those two terms over the years. Your perspective as quoted above...
MLG is not a game type. MLG is an organization. MLG maps are maps that adhere to MLG standards. MLG game types are game types that adhere to MLG...
Exactly... Team focus style of play is only one aspect of competitive.
This is what I was trying to say, that the definition of casual maps comes from places like FH, where people say, "this isn't really competitive,...
But it is grey by definition - by its very nature. Competitive maps can play in both categories. By defining competitive as I did, you can see...
I think it is safe to say that the phrase casual maps is a category that was coined for maps that are poor candidates for competitive game play,...
... therefore, you need to have it sitting at rest on a block, then remove the block and then try it out...
Here is a very interesting Extra Credits episode that talks about aesthetics, and in it they define aesthetics more as an emotive driver - what...
*scratches head* I suppose we all have our own view of what is possible with forging.
Just being tangential....