Nothing ... I will still forge so long as nokyard looks at my maps...
Personally I wonder if rewarding any one or a team with some special capability is good for halo. It all screams cod. Don't you think? I mean......
you can still enter the contest, you just cannot place in it. but your map can still be considered for MM playlist, which for me IS the real prize.
This map has been removed and is no longer available for download.
I know how tough it can be on impact. I have been spending days eviscerating my map Hekau to get it to work well.
MrGreenWithAGun submitted a new map: Hekau - Hekau, The seventh stone anchor, the most distant of remote bases to conquer. Hekau is my Ricochet...
You mentioned that this was designed for the contest. I thought you might want to know that they are looking for maps that are 2LP capable. SNIPE...
Once you understand their motivations it all becomes clear... ( don't ask me what they are, I haven't a clue).. But I will add this. It seems...
I disagree. But let's leave it at that... Nice to see you back...
If you intend to maintain the drop's way point, then you shallow the depth of the game. Correct. The randomness shallows the game by...
.The correct fix is to refactor the code so that no data loss occurs. But my suggestion is a quick work around that they could use with the...
I was thinking about how we have consistently used the coli wall as flooring in both reach and 4 despite the rounding error introduced by rotating...
Interesting question ... I will start and perhaps others can add... Three good paths from one end to the other with some varying of movement...
Ordnance Drop in any form added absolutely nothing of value to the game. From that perspective I cannot see keeping them no matter what...
If it were anything like CoD then you would simply drop on the first shot and I would be looking for a new game..
I would be happy to help anyone with spawn layouts on their maps, particularly for this contest. I live in Hawaii, so the best time to catch me...
Halo 3 showed us the same game played across two categories of playlists works well. Just return to the Casuals and Ranked categories of...
I just got done measuring the weight of the Respawn Zone with the Rico_Respawn label, and it is just over +200, making it behave like the Reach...
That is EXACTLY what I say about SWAT on reflection ...
It's called the birthday something or other You can get it for yourself and when someone kills you you do the same.