yeah google it
yeah mine and ur posts got combined, for any1 who doesnt know, my ones the smaller one, and Jman's is the bigger one
awesome map keep up the good work
oh sry ill go fix them
yeah sometimes it can
thxs :D
he really does see everything 0.0 welcome to FH
yeah id say its an aesthetic and a gameplay map cause u can play territories, CTF and assualt on it
thxs, im gald you like the AT-AT so much cause it was one of the most frustrating things that i have ever made on forge
yeah you should do tat cause im not sure wat the premium section is
welcome hope you enjoy it here
not constructive critisism
yeah for me i only really make aesthetic maps on foundry because its got all the nessecary requiements for most of my maps, if TDF is reading this...
looks like a cool map ill be sure to try it out and give some feedback :D
i read the rules and it says, 'At least one of your maps has to be on a map other than foundry'
i was just thnkin of entering wat ive got already but then i read at u needed 1 map not to be on foundry and tats kind of a problem
yeah probably
:squirrel_eyebrow: why?
lol thxs tat would be cool if the master chief and luke skywalker teamed up, who do u thinkwould win in a fight though?