Yes, but can you make terrain? I'll work on a tut thread...
There is no full box... everything is hollow. It is not nessecary to make a full box, but it is technichally "full" if it is completly closed (No...
Yup, that can happen. Glad that everyone is trying SU! It is very useful and fun.
Is that Sketchyphysics Beta 2? It's way better! You can have joints controlled by slider/ a real ps2 (or any controller w/ joysticks) and it is...
Love it! How does it fall though? Like, zombies Brute shot it? Great Idea...
Haha.... It isn't confirmed for me until I see it. No, I'm not doubting Thomas....
Hello! Yes, the site had many problems when it was down. But were back and better, so have fun!
Re: Who Loves Gary OMG! Did you post this in every thread???!?!?!?!?!?! Stop! That's at least 3 to 4 different threads saying the same thing!
Yup, I am in a project doing Foundry, to plan maps. I'm glad people are seeing my thread/ site and using it! I am looking forward to see what you...
Great job! I was wondering about a template... Thanks!
Nope... And is Kapura saying Hornet= GOd? I don't thin so... lol.
Re: Gary! You've posted this like 5 times! This belongs in Videos, but it is there, too. Arg!
No... that was on Foundry. This is a great video on the Pit. Must've been Very frustrating... he said 4 days... wow!
This is already in another thread, i think... but silly youtube code is broked. Sad face.
I don't really know how to make people overload it, but in another section, you could use so many objects that it overloads. I think?
I love it! Nice use of teh gray weapons. I have'nt seen Snowbound art b4... Great job!
I want to see this, it sounds cool, but the bbc youtube code isn't working. Please fix it...
Just so every one knows, you should put tags around any copied ASCII Art... it keeps it's formatting then.
Lol... I think I might add some gold to the musical notes...