I saw this in another thread... here's some other gaming site's price tags: Bungie.net- $8,787,000 H.B.O- $179,220 Flem- $848 Gaming T.V.- $2,600...
Invincibility equipment? Like campaign? Cool! How are they on XBL? I thought that was illegal... and I have only played Instant Respawn in a...
2 rhymes!! Lol... did you mean for that? Mind + rhyme? Lolz...
Gah! Mini Golf? Yay!!! EDIT: Whack a mole is my idea!!! Not rly, but that sounds like mine. If you iron out the kink, it could be great. The...
Who cares? Stop arguing. I agree with project, Don't use innapropriate language. But I agree with Sniper, this is Dragon's...
I don't understand your reasoning. He is just venting... I agree with the situation (that it is ridicolous!)
Not that I hat Twilkey, but Dragon made this site, he should definatly be an admin... I'm not sure it was TDF's decision, though. I would like an...
Hahaha! You can have recon (yes... only "have" not "haz") for living in an awesome place! Tehehe... I like recon b/c it is cool looking. It...
Very nice! Unbreakable turrets/ gauss turret would be sweet! Can you get in the driver/ pass. seats?
Looks promising! :D Can't the humans just hide in the box?
Use the rotate tool.... I can also get you a plug-in to give you a sphere tool, just like the box tool, but it automatically is a sphere...
Dang you! Speak english Orange! Lol... French, right?
Did your posts get deleted still? I think it got fixed. Fine... I like French fries, but freedom fries are much better.... Jk.
Re: What Weapon do YOU use the most? Assualt rifle is my most used (too lazy to pick up new weapons, LOL), but my choice is a shotgun or dual...
To use The "U.S. system like us!" (lolz) put the number in, but use a ["] for inches or a ['] for feet after the number (no brackets) O yah: To...
Amazing! This is fantastic!!!! Imma gon add Lucko fan to my sig. :)
They wouldn't put a scarab gun in a Multiplayer map! It would be so cheap... maybe a campaign level, I wish they left it in...
Mine just looks cool... It is like yours, Perfect, but blue instead of red... EVA left and CQB right...
You haz sandbox tools? Otherwize, it won't really work... Imma gon post a help thread...
I'm not sure... I have XP (Down wit teh apple!!! [computers, not iPods]) Maybe your compy is just slow? It takes a bit to load sometimes... try...