You had me at "Similar to Unggoy" I'll be keeping a close eye on these maps.
I'm with Sarge here. I don't play MW2, but I'm well aware of the notorious hacking that goes on in it. After playing Halo 2 during the hack-fest...
Apparantly, according to a statement issued (which I'll try and find on N4g again), The videos are really heavily edited in the player's favour....
I second xItZ JENKINSx's map "Unggoy". I really loved playing this map. I also suggest Box Cat's Trapdoor. I was impressed by the mechanism, and...
Currently, the fish opens its mouth at the same time as a certain weapon spawns, so I may be one step ahead of you. I have actually finished the...
[IMG] Won't you come along?
I hopped into Unggoy for a 1v1v1 FFA, and it proved to be a very good map. Initially, the layout appears confusing, but is easily picked up thanks...
You may. It's on my deviantart, so I'm not bothered about people using it.
[IMG] Too slow. Here's a jetpack instead.
**** mondays. On saturday night, I had to square up to one of my friends, who was pissed out his skull and is irrationally violent when...
That mouse-over saturation change on your sig blew my mind.
You can put maps on this website for the whole community to view. Simply go to the sub-catagory of map (eg. Competitive or Race map) and post a...
I quite liek those clipping masks to the left of the spartan, but I can't help feelign his visor is a tad oversharpened on the right-hand side....
[IMG] More successful Legion sig.
Oh, and I forgot to mention. Anybody else think the Purgatory escape mission would work so well as a Halo map?
Wow. What a game. I actually went back 1 hour to ensure I survived alogn with my crew, and I got my 50g for [spoiler] I thought the last addition...
Loving all thse chibis. They're great fun to look at, and they're giving me mental images of the GnA community.
[IMG] I hate it personally. You can use it you want.
XD I like. Rather humourous.
Used Peasant as a base. v1: [IMG] v2: [IMG]