Zerosun's colour enhancement makes the picture much better, but the burger looks so obviously photoshoped. Megathumbs one looks more realistic....
I wasn't asking for him to care.
Zerosun of course! I think this was is render, and if so, he did very well in lighting and atmosphere, the text also matches it well, wich is hard...
Cool, must have taken you a long time.
Thats a cool sig, and I agree simple sigs are good. But its funny how you said people should grow up when you have ***** written in your sig lol
Zerosun beat me to it! lol
First sig in MS Paint: [IMG] (That guy is me) And my first sig in Paint.NET: [IMG] We've come a long way baby
Oh yeah, NO ONE USE MY SNOW ANIMATION :omg: lol first time I used the new smilies.
Thanks! I'm getting better. Yours is cool too.
I've been working on this for a while now, what do you think? [IMG] Avatar will be coming soon. EDIT: Ok, I've finished the avatar. [IMG] If you...
Just make frames in a picture editing program (photoshop/gimp/paint/ and save them in .gif format. I recomend using UnFREEz, a free gif...
Ah yeah dude...
Heres mine: [IMG]
Can't their just be a tie win for this week if no one can agree?
If no one else wants it, I'll have it, but only if no one else wants it. Half-life is awesome, nuff said.
Zerosun Because the first one is too cluttered, and I just like the 2nd one ok? I also agree with Mortarion ;)
Looking at that, I'm glad I just have a transparency slider in Paint.NET lol
NUMERO UNO! Its allot beter than the second one, the current one's better than number 2. No offence whoever made it, just not my cup of tea.
I'm actualy gunna dedicate this sig to my dog, sam, who died recently. [IMG]
Oh, that sucks, well can u fill it in, its the only way to do it mate