This one? [IMG]
Longer? Ok. Imageshack's gunna love me.
Oh neat. Thats awesome.
Thats good. Again, the coloured one is better, maybe try sepia? And I agree with Duzfunky, its a bit over contrasted.
Here's my try: [IMG] An even wider one: [IMG]
The second one is still the best I think. Perhaps if you put a border around that.
I can do it I think. What size (in pixels) do you want it?
I think its really good. You wouldn't really know you just started.
"The coin must have been done by a professional, the work is impressive" What? His eyes are all goofy lol
This one is random [IMG] What a park bench got to do with Mario? lol
No problem, thanks for the rep.
Yeah, here's your problem. 1) Click on User CP 2) Click edit sig 3) Click Insert Image in the Your Signature box 4) Put the url in the box that...
Works on mine. See? [IMG]
Don't worry guys, just don't vote for him :haha: No offence Zerosun.
Resize the file size or the image?
Try this
Try putting this into the image url thing on FH
Don't ask me, I don't have a Mac. Try Google.
No, I used Paint.NET. You can find it in my sig. And I just made up Finding Arbiter because Finding Nemo was in the original poster: [IMG]
Here's a Camino icon I made using a planet from your gallery. [IMG]