8.5/10 Those animations are really good seeming you made them yourself. God one. Ps: Its signature
Once again Zerosun, thats awesome. Its like their made of mercury lol
I couldn't do anything about it anyway. That was the render. Thanks guys for your positive comments :happy:
I came up with this ages ago. Made with MS Paint. [IMG] Here are some expressions I also made. [IMG]
I use Paint.NET. I think I'm the only one who uses it in this forum lol. It's actualy a very good program, comparable to GIMP or Photoshop. You...
Hey guys, what do you think of my new signature? First sig I've done with animated fire.
Cool. This sig is.. well.. I'm not really at liberty to say.
Calm down. Just stating an observation.
Those are good. There's a faint blue outline on the cake image though. Whats that about?
I love the car one. This is a thing we haven't seen in sigs before. I think the style would work well.
Thats a lot like xxAl Capwnagexx's sig: [IMG]
I like the Team Fortress 2 sig. Even though I don't like TF2. Hmm.
Hey, welcome to ForgeHub
lol, this goes with your location Lockdown. "I don't know where i am"
You make far too many sigs. This one is good, GoW is good. Just one thing, Marcus is way over saturated. You can hardly see his armor and face.
Can't agree more. As for the sig, good but a little too plain. Would work better with Coded Arms Assault I think.
Its good work but I don't like it because i don't like seeing Gordon Freeman getting strangled.
I also like it. It fits the style of Haze well, with the TV-like colour lines across the sig.
This is 500 wide, the max FH rules will allow. Dunno why you would want it that wide. [IMG]
I dunno how to explain it. There is too much bright white and black areas, should be more coloured.