The mongooses are the only vehicles that allow V.I.Ps to score while they are on it. You can't score if you on another vehicle like the warthog,...
But what the other guy said that the maker of the map can used as a water scenery. Bullets go through water, grenades go through water, but they...
No he can't make up with shield doors. because they can block bullets, and grenade can bounce off of them... IM seeing to many D Day maps though,...
If you was the V.I.P team and you were the v.i.p, then that means you can't drive the vehicles, you can only ride passenger. Were you playing by...
Trust me, the game is VERY balanced. Its not too hard for either side to do their jobs. Before it was hard for the V.I.P team to score, and the...
But this guy downloaded the gametype first, but he didn't rate the map. Its all confusing! i don't care about it anymore, whats done is done...
That last picture was photoshopped, wasn't it. I counted more than 16 spartans...
Why do the barriers need to be neat? And there isn't just 1 secret weapon there are plenty of them. Such as a rocket launcher, spartan lazer, and...
Trust me, this is the only V.I.P game you'll ever need. Just get a party of 10-12 players and you will see what i mean.
Dude, i have to say, im a person who respects description, and boy what a description you have. You included a good description of the map,...
Why does he think the game sucks? What kind of gamer is he? Is he one of those people who only like playing games like call of duty 4 and madden NFL?
I really don't care, but whenever i do here a girl, i do get surprise. Its kinda of a relieve though, all you here on XBL are guys, its good to...
Are you sure? Because right after you pisted here in forgehub, i got a rating in Strange...
I know, i mostly get ideas from other maps. I like to expand on their concepts. I do it alot in Farcry, i don't do it as much in Halo though...
Im confused, you said you would download, but the only thing you did was rate it. Are you spamming without actually trying to spam? Trying to...
You have to change the title of your thread. You have to keep it just Prison break, nothing else but the name of the map. I understand you are new...
Border Patrol 2 - V3 Border Patrol 2 ***Please i do not mean to offend anyone with this map. I just create maps based on stuff that happens in...
Dude, trust me. Fable 2 is going to be game everyone will have to have. And if you don't like fable you can always get FarCry 2, comes out the...
Yeah, i mean it wouldn't be fable if they took the swords out. I believe i would use the melee weapons more than guns. I hope they still kept the...
Did anybody participate in's "Play the Pros" event this friday. It was with Offbeat Ninja and Mystik from the CGS team, Carolina Core. We...