53 bottles of beer on the wall, 53 bottles of beer, Take one down, pass it around, 52 bottles of beer on the wall.
See, I remember hearing the same thing, that they would just launch the beta and stop it whenever they thought they had enough data. But this...
Halo: Reach Beta Will Run For 16 Days - Xbox 360 News at IGN
56 bottles of beer on the wall, 56 bottles of beer, Take one down, pass it around, 55 bottles of beer on the wall.
It is noticeably inferior to the ODST commercial.
87 bottles of beer on the wall... 87 bottles of beer... take one down, pass it around... 86 bottles of beer on the wall.
Pork loins for dinner. I definitely live in Texas.
Got TAKS all week this week, so essentially no work. Awesome.
It was me.
Now it's time for a game I like to call "Guess Who's Naked!"
This game is clearly designed to allow even the worst of players to get a few kills every round, hence the extremely low health compared to other...
There, there. I'll be your friend, Bloo. Would you like that?
I find it sad that you only have one friend from school.
I love reading your work, Sarge. You'll be something great one day.
Is that you? Or were you the one who took the photo?
Hence the comeback, "Your face."
It's not, considering you actually have to earn it. Grenade launchers are given to you at Rank 1, and there are a number of ways you can abuse...
Ah, I see. Your face.
Well it didn't dawn on me until just a few minutes ago how similar our clothes were, so I decided I'd take a pic. I also ran around for about 10...
Who am I, lol. [IMG]