Beta = Lame
Invasion. Good?
They're relying on you reporting the threads. They don't seem to check often though, as I can sometimes report a thread and it will be open for...
**** Glee.
Yeah, same here. I'm getting better, but it seems that everyone else is just better than me with it, and I can't kill someone with it unless I get...
What happened? It was downloading so fast. Now it's downloading so sloooooooooow.
Are servers down, or something? 59%
17% flr
How can you say EA is not better than Activision? Over the past few years, EA has really turned themselves around and created their EA's Partners...
Bungie has not merged with Activision in the same way as Infinity Ward. Activision publishes the game, but Bungie is still completely independent.
Too bad he autographed it to James Cameron.
YouTube - Sun Kil moon, Heron Blue
I haven't played Halo since... October? And that was ODST.
lol, we'd get our asses kicked. Sounds fun.
Thaaaaat's right. Couldn't remember. I'm assuming our MLG team is back in action when Reach comes out.
RST, who was on ThunderCougarFalconBurger? You, Randle, myself, and... who else? Camo?
47 bottles of beer on the wall, 47 bottles of beer, Take one down, pass it around, 46 bottles of beer on the wall.
All this still doesn't negate the fact that Microsoft said the beta only lasts 16 days. EDIT: Actually, 17 days.
It's supposed to end on the 19th.