But, but, there is nothing there?? Is this some sort of cruel joke!!?!?
It's not abusing your power if it's in the rules smart guy. Ask anyone who follows the rules here if the site is enjoyable, they will say yes....
A lot of what Jellah said was spot on, and a lot of what Playahata said was spot on. The Guardians started when I formed a thread in the Hub Pub...
Interlocking: You don't need it, but it still serves it purpose. If you interlock too much there can be a lot of Z fighting. Geomerging: Also not...
This.....is true :0) Although there hasn't been any serious testing, it should play nicely.
If you guys are lucky you will have a pretty sick Skybubble competitive map ready for your enjoyment. Courtesy of Lightsout225 and Creep1ng De4th...
It's all yours bud. Thanks again and I refrained from hiding any text *****' in your bio, even though I said I would :-]
We made many changes and cleaned it up all nice. Feels much better :0) Very minimal jumping.
I'm on
Hey the floors on my side......PIMP! You just gotta play with em a bit. They aren't perfect, but they are probly as close as you'll ever get with...
This message has been deleted by Klink258. Reason: ***** LOL!
No prob. Not sure if that is exactly what the problem was, but it makes the most sense.
Nope. Blood tested it to see if it would work because his was broken and he said he didn't redeem it and just backed out. Now it won't work for...
fo sho
I ran the IP and there was no match....darn
Great, that song is now stuck in my head....Along with the parody of Family Guy
Hammer time *does the MC Hammer dance* Oh ohohoh oh oh oh ohohoho
The hammer is the best part lol
LOL, ok I will spare you.