Actually, to be honest, I haven't tested Conquest yet, only CTF. Sad faic.
Sand was not destined to be submitted. It wasn't fun to play on either, so I deleted it. Anyway, Porq is almost done. I'm actually
This looks amazing. I love the concept and the way it's been executed. My only critisicsm would be that the bridge is a bit of a death trap. Do...
Live? I want to show you my new map.
You know my map Sand? It's been deleted. I have a much better map that I'm nearly done called (currently) Porq. Retarded, no?
That's exactly what he (the author) meant. However, I have to agree with Shroomz. The concept is not new, an it has been done many times....
Jeez, for an aesthetic map, there's not a lot of aesthetics involved. You could have made the elephant smoother, more realistic etc. It looks...
Try this. Should help you.
I guess so, but I never intended to "be a guardian of other peoples thoughts". May I rephrase the statement? You've used the pillar from...
Sb? Live?
itsmebiff, next time, put the tutorial in Spoiler code. So it doesn't take up so much space. Anyway, the map looks alright, but extremely...
I'm saying, that within the clan, it's not completely official. I'm really just telling people to turn up. Anyway, what are we playing? CTF,...
Alright, but I only put in a message saying to play tomorrow, so it may or may not be ready tomorrow. I'll be there tough.
My gamertag is mastersync23. Here's my Xbox page.
Alright. So that's about four o'clock here in Sydney. That should be fine.
But Titmar presented it first, in the same fashion. It wouldn't be hard to somehow improve on the idea somehow. I mean, you wouldn't have...
Yeah, I know. I'm pretty slack. I actually just told everyone two days ago, so the very latest we could expect to play is maybe...Friday.
Alright, today's the day! When are we playing?
The map looks alright, but you've clearly stolen the interlocked pillar idea from Lucifugous by Titmar. And it just seems a bit too open. Add a...