Stereotypes FTW!
No, though I do like crumpets. I'm an Australian.
Oh well. Hey, do you wanna go on LIVE sometime?
Lock, Stock, Two Smoking Barrels? All of Guy Ritchie's movies? Love 'em.
That actually made me laugh. Snatch. You seen that?
Cheers. And you know, I've never actually seen step brothers. Ah well.
Sarcasm, my friend. If Crysis doesn't run on a fairly decent computer, i.e. mine, it's a demanding game, requiring THE BEST ****ING COMPUTER IN...
Well, what else am I going to do? It's the ****ing internet. I can't really DO anything, apart from make witty, logical comebacks. And I can't...
Yes. I'm going to wipe my nutsack on your drum kit. *Unzips pants* Now were you?
Sarge? Are you making fun of me on Pegasi's profile? o.0
[IMG] "For use with Conquest v3, CTF, and Team Slayer. 4-6 players." This is an updated version of my map, Porq. I have used most of the...
Pegasi! LIVE? Skype?
God, I hope so. I've been practically drooling over videos of it's gameplay. *drool* I should probably close Youtube.
For teh lulz of it.
Try running this on your Baby Mac.
As a relatively new person to computer gaming, I don't really have the best computer. I have a good graphics card, sound system, but my computer...
1337 H4X U H4CKER. Good screenshot, but try and make it a bit more...aesthetically pleasing. I mean, try and make the Bubble the focal point. So...
This looks awesome! If positioned properly, I think it could be used for an amazing CTF map. However, it does look pretty good for just Conquest...
Why are you wating for 12.21.12?