Looks pretty good. It almosts looks like you copied Depot.
Looks good but the name definitely doesnt suit it. Maybe name it airtime? I dont know I'm not good at names either but airtime makes more sense...
Welcome to the forums and this map looks fairly blank. There are a lot of open spaces but nothin to hurt yourself over.
I really like this map. It reminds me of Gradient and Furouis D 18's Exacted.
Re: Disc Shooting (Skeet) I like this idea but You should of made the man cannons launch the discs automatically or something.
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack I like the rats nest map the best but you need more pics. But at least you have some pics unlike some other people
Re: Spillway This map was alright but I felt it wasnt that great.
Like everyone said this map might hurt some people even though it isnt meant to. I agree with that other guy who said that if this map is taken...
A dragon? That is so original! OMG! I cant believe I didnt think of that.
Ya i know double posting is bad but its still a good map!
Re: Bunker Hillv3 This map looks pretty cool! I have been thinking about making a map like this were you have to fight your way up a hill and the...
Looks pretty good. I like how you didnt block off the outside but you just didnt put much out there.
I cant get over how good this map looks!
Maybe instead of having guns you could have grenades? But you would have to throw the grenade( Preferably Frag) in a small hole over top the...
oh now Bungie.Net works for me!
I saw that on Bungie FH was having a 2007 awards for best maps and decided to check it out. Then I wa instantly hooked!
I cant even get on Bungie.Net. Lucky
My MSN isnt working for some reason? Is any one else having this problem?
Re: TRAINING GROUNDS - Do you have what it takes? These maps look alright. I will DL when Que is empty
Great map! Furious maps have always been a favourite of mine!