Remakes galore!
Re: Lemmings (small mammals with suicidal tendencies) Looks pretty cool but cant the Lemmings just kill each other behind the shield door as soon...
Looks quite simple. It may be too small of an area though.
Please embed your pics! I still went and looked at the map and it does look pretty cool. I would love to try some of that Co-op racing on it.
Looks very nice! I also cant do Bank turns so thanks for that guide. But nice interlocking on the bank turns!
Amazing. I wish I knew about his sooner
I would love a placeable Ramp peice. Why? Well because I would love to just drive around the new maps going off sweet jumps!
Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval This map looks amazing! 5/5 Nice work.
Wow it looks like you can copy intersection
I dont know why that is either HaloStriker but I like it.
ok thanks
When you want to get a terminal do you have to start from the begining of the level or can you start from a mid point?
Good ol Bioshock. I was wondering when I would see a good remake of this game! Good Job
Looks good but School is not something I like bieng in on my spare time. I would never download a school map unless it had a teacher killing device.
Looks pretty good. I like how you took the screens while in Forge so everyone can see the respawn points.
looks pretty good.
This map looks very neat and well made for your first post well done. 5/5 from me!
looks cool. i really like the random floating truck.
That video was amazing! I hope you keep making videos like that. You should consider making a vid were zombies overun the city or something.
I loved this video. Have you guys seen the new one(Valhalla Musical?) When I watched the valhalla one it really sent a shiver down my spine...