I checked this out and found the same thing! Wierd?
I lov e Hog! It has been here since H1! Same with the ghost! The mongoose is just plain fun to drive!
Recon! Honor Guard is cool but it is so noticable!
Re: [Glitched] Teleports To Roof Beams Map No way this has nevr been done before! Wait yes it has... This is pretty cool but is pointless as a...
I like your idea. I think that they should put more flame weapons in Matchmaking so that people can get Inciniration on a map other than Construct!
I also think how you think. In the end though a little Eye Candy can set your map apart from the rest!
Yes Yes Yes! Infection is amazing!
I had to choosefoundry because of Forge! But really I like a lot of maps equally! I like all maps except Epitaph and Isolation is iffy!
I would think they slide in. It looks pretty cool though I am not gonna lie!
I don't want Blood Guilch! I want Coagulation!
looks like you put a lot of time into interlocking. The map doesn't remind me of Ascension that much so I doubt people will think it's a remake....
Like others said it is a bit messy. Other than that it loos pretty good! But I would agree add more cover. Also can't wait to see V2
Looks pretty cool! I like challenges so I will find that shotgun!
How was this the inspiration for Vertkwest? Vertkwest came first?!?
This is a copy of a map made by another Forger! The map was called Vertkwest and I think it was made by Cosmic Rick but it might have been Furious...
Work on these screenshots man. There is a how to post a thread thread located in the Forged Maps Section. Go check it out!
Looks pretty cool. I am a fan of those take a risk get rewarded maps but I take too many risks and that is my downfall!
Very original! It's always been a nightmare of mine that the people are going to walk out of the horror film and kill me! Now this can all come...
Looks very well made! At first it looked like a cheap copy of Barts Manor but then I saw it was much more!
Looks good I'll DL