THis map is very fun! It makes Foundry feel a lot bigger than it is which is what I love.
Ah good ol grifball! if only the arena was a little less blah. so many memories. I would redomend an 8 on 8 grifball match! It is insane!
I like that this is not on foundry! I like your concept too. This would be a very fast paced game. nice job.
OK thi map looks pretty good but I think that you might wanna fix the window panels above the road. But overall good job
This map looks awesome for CTF! Is it set up for assault, and other game variants? Well I think that this map is very simple yet it looks...
Ok guys trust me this is not a spawn killing map. I made sure that since it was such a small area I put in a lot of spawn points all around. But...
Thank you guys!
My Gamertag was chosen because my bros name is Mike and my names is Mark M=Mark N=And M=Mike 1245=Adress of house on street! Ya I know nothing...
This map looks cool. I was getting bored of the normal Grifball map.
COOL map !
Looks amazing! I like how you floated the one platform because I have found that people always grenade jump over my obstacles. 10/10 Furious does...