Did you just inadvertently say that you suck? XD
Lulz. :P won't ever look the same again that's for sure.
And they always use that :Ping :P face! Sometimes it's pretty :Ping cute, but other times it seems to get on my :Ping nerves. Do you know what the...
Yeah, suuuure you do. That's what they all think!
...and? Haha XD
Wait, that also means I'll be 18 a month before you, and same thing with 21! Haha win!
Noice! That means I'll get to enjoy 17ness a month earlier than you! :P
Muchas gracias señorT.
Congrats on Faves man!!!
Halo 2 = Halo 3 gameplay/map-wise IMO. Halo 2's maps were much more vibrant and colorful, and were set up in many different places whereas H3's...
Wait... CATS?!?!?!?! What the **** is that ****?!?! R u srs?!
I edited the extra line into mine right before yours so it didn't look suspicious. I gots yer back.
We ****ing owned that ****. Hardcore. o/
Well, if you think Ire sucked and/or created a tank-slapper situation in your mind that ended in a high-side crash, then this map will basically...
Well I'm sure there was plenty of cumming last night... As for a release date of the map, think late December (provided everything goes as planned).