How's the post coming?
Blue box = lighting trickery. Ever notice the blue lights underneath the metal mesh by the bases? Perfect positioning turns the box blue. ;)
Nooks & Crannies 2, the epic sequel to the original which you LOVED TO DEATH, is now live in Casual Maps! Check it out! ... or else.
Yep, you read the title right. This is the epic sequel to the much-loved original Nooks&Crannies, which had the Casual Maps section squealing with...
So your gamertag's going to be WeaselJoe37? Cual capitalizacion vas a usar?
Mattbaier saiz HAI!
That's crazy dude! What's even crazier is that you live in the same state as me! Haha. What part are you in? I'm in Greeley.
Welcome! ...happy early birthday?
For the most part yes I've been arguing for starts, but also for keeping people from heading straight for the structure.
Exactly. Because the top area becomes clogged due to interest, people need to spawn on default Blackout to even this tendency out so they're...
It WILL make a difference. Even though the top is one giant respawn area, people can and will spawn in there during combat if the alternative...
20/67 > .25 uLose
Damn good catch! Sorry 'bout that. You want your structure spawns to be about 1/4 of the total at MAXIMUM.
Actually it will. For larger scaled games. How many spawns do you have total, and how many are there on the structure alone?
...did you?
Definitely. Did you add more spawns to default Blackout?
Are you testing now? I can get on if you are.
Lulz. I don't know you well enough to decisively say whether or not you suck. I could ask your brother... but I'd probably just end up asking him...
Okay, we'll go with that. :P