That would be awesome. Out of curiosity, what might it be about?
You haz promotion. Before we start recruiting members though we have to come up with some systems for posting and the like. Checklist for forum:...
If you want to help with the management side of things you can have an instant promotion to Coordinator. But if you just want to be a community...
I'm glad you liked my pancam screenshot enough to use it in your OP! If you need any more pancam screenshots of this map done, don't hesitate to...
TCE will be the next big thing on Bnet. I'm going to need your help with the screenshot side of things though!
****ing win. o/
A person that Forges is called a Forger. What are people that take screenshots and make gametypes called then?
No problem. XD Now join this.
Yeah it's fine if you use them both! I took the one with the spider on the right to allow you room to add text for a banner if you so desire to.
OMG LOOK! You're free to use these if you wish, I figured the first would be a good banner picture. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File...
I don't have a Skype headset tho. I can only IM.
So what you're saying is that you want me to take a pancam screenshot of gameplay? Or are you just saying that in actual gameplay you're not on...
So you want me to zoom in a little bit more? I'm trying for an overview of it. XD
Please tell me if you think this shot of Felipe's spider is impressive or not: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Thank you for being such a harsh critic; someone that actually downloads the map and plays it before reviewing it is always welcome at ForgeHub....
What do you mean by "forgot to change the tripmine?"
I think the Trio group needs to be started sometime soon... talk to JB and whoever else you can about it.
I pretty much agree with this statement. The Zune's strength comes from its software, which is pretty much unmatched in terms of flexibility and...